Louise Toffolo Weebly Websites
The Weebly Games site located at weebly-games.weebly.com has come back to life. When you type in weebly-games.weebly.com in your browser, it will redirect you to louisetoffolo-ww.weebly.com/games.html. If you want to play AntiPacMan, click Play AntiPacMan on the webpage to go to weebly-games.weebly.com/antipacman.html. The Download Frameset still exists at weebly-games.weebly.com/download-frameset.html
We have a Louise Toffolo Frameset from quackit.com. Ignore the title, it was all written from the Quackit Frameset Generator located at quackit.com/html
We finally have an addthis.com Share button to share this website with other people. We're trying to make this the most popular sub-domained Weebly website. Let's see what else 
Louise Toffolo Weebly Websites is finally getting an XML sitemap that is connected to the Google server. Click here to see the XML sitemap. Keep in mind, the sitemap is still under construction with xml-sitemaps.com. 
Still, weebly-games.weebly.com exists, but it will redirect you to louisetoffolo-ww.weebly.com/games.html
Finally, we have our first site blog post. In the near future, all pages will be updated.
Finally, we have a search engine to search weebly.com and louisetoffolo-ww.weebly.com (this site). If you want to try it out, use it below or click the Search tab in the menu bar.
If you want to make your own search engine, below, search: custom search. (Don't include the period).